Perondi Albania
Perondi Albania
We found a commune Perondi the oldest churches in the Balkans, x belongs to the century building typical of Byzantine architecture and religious works ... This territory has been home to the ancient Illyrian tribe Desar. From excavations made on the outskirts of Kucova (Perondi municipality where today old Church of St. Nicholas) shows that this territory has been an ancient settlement with a developed culture, which is verified by way of housing and The promenade for its residents. This mall is the size of a real boulevard (10m width and 50m length) of the cobbled paving stones engraved with the beautiful. Also in Omurit hill northeast of the city, found the Illyrian defensive works on all of a torch (exposed at the Museum of Berat), which served to signal the risk from one enemy to another castle and across the area . From excavations made in the years '40 - 50 of the last century brought to the surface amfora, swords and shields Illyrian time.
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